Online Systems
Electronic Classification Analysis System (E-Class)
The Electronic Classification Analysis System (E-Class) is a Web-based application that can be used to analyze statewide human resources data. The data contained in E-Class are self reported by the agencies and gathered from the Uniform Statewide Payroll/Personnel System (USPS), the Standardized Payroll/Personnel Reporting System (SPRS), and the Human Resources Information System (HRIS). This system can be used to access turnover data and state employee demographics.
Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) State Employee System
Agencies and higher education institutions are required to submit quarterly reports on the number of full-time equivalent employees and the number of consultants and individuals on contract during each fiscal quarter. The FTE System is used for data submission, as well as additional data analysis and reports.
Employee Exit Survey System
State agencies are required to provide employees who voluntarily leave state employment with an opportunity to complete an exit survey. Each quarter, agencies have access to reports summarizing employees' reasons for leaving.